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Top 15 Superfoods for Weight Loss
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Superfoods have been around forever. In ancient times, civilizations would use these foods as money, for religious ceremonies and as staples in their diet. However, it hasn’t been until recently that we’ve…

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14 Daily Life Hacks to Help with Weight Loss
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There are too many days that life just gets busy. We have work, school, kids, spouses, parents and of course – unexpected emergencies. With such busy lives, it’s no wonder we often…

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Male Celebrities Who Went from Chunky to Hunky
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We love watching celebrities, don’t we? Just knowing they suffer from the same issues and conditions we face makes us feel much better about our own lives. And just like the rest…

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8 Ways Weight Management Can Help you Live to 101
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By now you know that keeping your weight to a healthy level is good for you, right? But did you realise that some of the benefits you gain can also help you…

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Article of the Month

Fall Asleep Easily Tonight – Avoid These 6 Foods!
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We all know sleep is necessary for a healthy body. Although most of us really try to get enough sleep, studies show that too many of us miss the mark way too…

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Belly Fat! Without doubt, one of the most common and dangerous types of fat. Losing it is not only important from an aesthetic point of view but it also essential for health reasons. Excessive abdominal fat, also referred to as visceral fat, can form within your abdomen between your organs and secrete proteins that can potentially lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. There's good news though - losing this fat is easier that most people think as long as they have the correct advice. Our latest FREE ebook offers 81 tips to lose this stubborn form of fat.

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